Saturday, March 12, 2011

April 2011 Family Fiesta

It is time for the 3rd Annual Family Fiesta. The following is needed to prepare for this outreach event starting 16 and 17 of April.

  1. 1.   Advertisement of event – Posters, handouts, radio, newspaper, word of mouth.
  1. 2.   Meeting tents, tables, chairs, sound equipment.
  1. 3.   Meals for the event and for the group from “Cristo Por Su Mundo” who will be ministering to the children and families. We will also need paper plates, glasses, etc for 500 to 600 people.
  1. 4.   Toys, balloons, crafts for at l00 to 400 children for the two days.
  1. 5.   Transportation for the ministry team and for the three new missions who are six hours away up in the mountains.
This annual fiesta last year resulted in starting the mission El Arenal. We then built a mission palapa church for them and they keep growing and are totally sold out to the Gospel. Also the San Agustin church has grown with many more families committed to Christ. The families of San Agustin will help prepare the food for the event. We need a miracle like when Jesus fed the 5,000 with two small fish and 5 loaves of bread. In our case tortillas.
This event last year cost Agape over $4,000 dollars but what a wonderful investment to spread the gospel with many people accepting Jesus Christ as their Savior. The total cost may be even more this year. We are counting on the Lord to lay it on the hearts of those who can help financially and believe in this ministry. 
More important we need your earnest prayers to cover us. There has already been Spiritual warfare against the Gospel in the area so we must be doing something right. We cannot be successful without God interceding. Let us know if you are willing to be a prayer warrior partner with us.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Una Esperanza Center for poor families of prisoners

Our desire is to have this center self supporting of the daily expenses. We will be needing help with construction projects, training projects like auto mechanics etc. We will post here when we will be ready for friends to come down as voluteers.

Our goal is: To help them:
  •  by growing their own food. We have given lots of vegetable seed and it will soon be planting time.
  • By working in the restaurant.
  • By baking bread in the dome wooden oven.
  • selling hammocks or other craft the prisoners make.
  • Selling Lachiguiri coffee and painted rocks. Some of our local friends have also given toward the cost of small fiestas and other expenses. 
     The cost of the building projects have come from you, friends both in the United States and Canada. This is a major ongoing project and a work of faith. Please pray with us and ask God how you can help.

    Donations for the building can be sent to:
    Agape Mission Projects International 
    5126 W. Olive Ave # 183
    Glendale, AZ 85302

Friday, July 17, 2009

Crafts and Things

Linda who plans to come down possibly in August when we return would love for us to have some sewing machines for the women to use for some of the craft work she would like to teach the ladies to help them earn money for their families.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Things we need donated this month

Sheri is in the states up until August the 3rd. This time she needs to drive down to Mexico as we have already had many things donated. In other words she will be able to carry things across that normally one cannot take down on the plane. Here is a list of a few things we could use right away.

Vegetable seeds = already donated by Watters Nursery, Prescott, Arizona

We need new and used garden tools for gardening within a large greenhouse.

Construction tools = things like hammers, saws, levels, etc
A chain saw to cut down trees = Paid for! Money given by an Agape Mission Project supporter.

ton truck to haul lumber, cement and other building supplies, etc. Donated by a friend of Damian's. A Red 3/4 ton Ford 1992.

Mechanic tools for the ministry vehicles. Also always will need short term mechanics who can come down and take care of the vehicles and teach some of the guys who have been released from prison this trade.

Camping tents for temporary housing for the families of the prisoners. Since this jungle area is very hot they need a lot of ventilation with large zip up screens. They also need to be waterproof as we do get torrential rains. We do have a few we can use from our Youth Campground in La Loma Esperanza, Lachiguiri.

Also we are looking for a donated travel trailer or 5thwheel. We
will have spaces to park RV's for those who want to come down for short term trips to help with projects.

Electricity is expensive in Mexico and we are looking at a variety of alternatives. One would be Solar Lites. I found them at a number f places you can buy building supplie in the United States costing $140 dollars and up. We can use these in many areas. Would love to take a few with us when we head back in August.